Armor of Sin
The Armor of Sin is made of adamantine and comes in seven pieces. If all seven pieces are worn, the wearer takes none of the penalties incurred, but retains all bonuses and also gains the following:
- Smite good 3/day - treat the wearer as being +15 HD for the purpose of determining the bonus damage dealt.
- Damage reduction 50 / epic and holy
- When wearing all seven pieces of the Armor of Sin, the wearer is considered to be wearing full plate instead of breastplate, as noted in the description of the Breastplate of Gluttony.
The seven pieces of the Armor of Sin are as follows:
Helmet of Envy
Benefit: The wearer of this helmet is able to channel his envy with devastating results. Twice per day, he can add his intimidate modifier as a luck bonus to a single attack roll and damage. If the attack is still a miss, the bonus damage is considered to be wasted and the attempt is still used. When worn with all six other pieces of the Armor of Sin, this ability can be used five times per day.
Penalty: Whenever the wearer of this helmet is within 10ft. of another creature possessing a similar, but higher quality, item to anything the wearer possesses, he must make a will save DC 20 or attack the other creature in an attempt to aquire the higher quality item.
Medallion of Lust
Benefit: The wearer of this medallion can use the spell charm person at will with a save DC of 11 + cha modifier. If worn with all six other pieces of the Armor of Sin, the save DC becomes 21 + cha modifier.
Penalty: Whenever the wearer is within 30ft. of a member of the opposing gender of their race (or another creature the wearer would find physically attractive), the wearer must succeed on a Will save DC 25 + cha modifier of the person (or creature) in question. Failure on this save means the wearer is considered fascinated until he/she is able to make, and pass, another save attempt. If the wearer passes a save, he/she does not need to make a save to be fascinated by the same creature for 24 hours.
Bracers of Wrath
Benefit: These bracers allow the wearer to rage as a 10th-level barbarian a number of times per day equal to 1 + Cha modifier (minimum 1/day). When worn with all six other pieces of the Armor of Sin, the rage functions as a 20th-level barbarian.
Penalty: The wearer takes a -5 penalty to Reflex and Will saves as a result of their blinding rage.
Breastplate of Gluttony
Benefit: This breastplate has a +4 enhancement bonus, has the light fortification ability, and shields the wearer in a constant unholy ward effect. When worn with all six other pieces of the Armor of Sin, the enhancement bonus increases to +5, light fortification becomes moderate fortification, and the armor also gains the undead controlling ability.
Penalty: While wearing the breastplate, the wearer takes a -10 penalty on fortitude saving throws vs ingested poisons. In addition, the wearer must succeed a will save DC 15 whenever an enemy falls in battle (DC 20 if the wearer dealt the final blow). Failure on this save compels the wearer to consume a piece of his enemy’s flesh in a ritualistic sacrifice. This is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Ring of Pride
Benefit: This ring provides the wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. When worn with all six other pieces of the Armor of Sin, this bonus increases to +8.
Penalty: Because of the conceited air of the character, they take a -5 penalty on diplomacy and sense motive checks when wearing the ring.
Gloves of Greed
Benefit: These gloves function as a pair of Gloves of Storing, except that they are capable of storing objects up to 50lbs. each. When worn with all six other pieces of the Armor of Sin, the maximum weight of the objects is 75lb. per glove.
Penalty: Whenever the wearer comes within 5ft. of a valuable object (the object must be able to be stored in one of the gloves), they must make a Will save with the DC being 10 + (gp value of item / 100). A failure on this save means the wearer must attempt to steal the item. They must make a sleight of hand or dexterity check, whichever is higher, and normal rules apply.
Boots of Sloth
Benefit: When worn, these boots provide the wearer with a +5 competence bonus on balance checks, as well as a +4 bonus to opposed strength checks to avoid being tripped or bull rushed. When worn with all six other pieces of the Armor of Sin, the competence bonus to balance checks increases to +10 and the bonus to strength checks increases to +8.
Penalty: The wearer of these boots makes one fewer attack per round during a full attack action. This attack must be at the highest attack bonus. For example, a 16th level fighter with a strength of 18 wearing these boots would normally have an attack bonus of +20/+15/+10. Instead, this bonus becomes +15/+10 during a full attack. In addition, the wearer’s speed is reduced as if he were wearing heavy armor. This effect reduces the wearer’s speed, even if he has another ability (such as a dwarf’s stability) that would otherwise prevent his speed from being reduced by heavy armor.