Greater Detities
- Alauniida Fil’orzza - The Dark Maiden
- Bombuj Dankil
- Ilraeth Gilanthel - Ruler of Fire
- Jarrah Greenbottle
- Kamanes Eirdrim
- Keilnatra Celnotte - Lady of Magic
- Randar Delaco - The Tyrant
- Saegan Vinnel
- Tralia Bellae
- Wanfiddle Garrick
Intermediate Detities
- Adelie Adonica
- Aerayan Gilanthel
- Bibbity Bobbity - The Mischievous
- Dagrasa Loderhek
- Dallin Skordal - The Artificer
- Hecate Viridian
- Jerolin Liam Zareh - The Silver Knight
- Kiana Torunder - Lady of Light
- Talaera Kerik
- Tholk Dangeth
- Volen Rodench
Lesser Detities
- Baelthenal Blissemon - Lord of Hatred
- Dewei Hiddenhand - The Unseen
- Imshar Thokka
- Keth Durgan - The Healing Palm, The Still Mind
- Krusk Holgar
- Arana Lutesong - The Bard
- Kennit Tannis
Deity Descriptions

Adelie Adonica
Intermediate DeityAdelie Adonica, the goddess of nature, is nautral. Her followers include rangers, druids, and all manner of fey. Her domains are Animal, Earth, Plant, Water, and Weather. Her favored weapon is the quarterstaff.

Aerayan Gilanthel
_The Hunter_Intermediate Deity
Aerayan Gilanthel, brother of Ilraeth Gilanthel, is neutral good. He known is the god of the hunt, and he is primarily worshipped by Rangers and Druids. His domains are Animal, Liberation, and Strength, and his favored weapon is the longsword.

Alauniida Fil'orzza
_The Dark Maiden_Greater Deity
Alauniida Fil'orzza is the chaotic evil goddess of dark elves. Her domains are Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, and Ravage, and her favored weapon is the dagger.

Arana Lutesong
_The Bard_Demigod
Arana Lutesong, the goddess of music, is chaotic good. She is worshipped by bards. Her domains are Charm and Knowledge, and her favored weapon is the rapier.

Baelthenal Blissemon
_Lord of Hatred_Lesser Deity
A balor, Baelthenal Blissemon was the first demon to become a god. He is chaotic evil, and his typical worshipers include demons, executioners, and sociopaths. Baelthenal is associated with the domains of Evil and Ravage. His favored weapon is the whip.
Bibbity Bobbity
_The Mischievous_Intermediate Deity
Bibbity Bobbity is the god of trickery and mischief. His followers include bards, rogues, and most gnomes. His domains are Chaos, Liberation, Luck, and Trickery. His favored weapon is the short sword.

Bombuj Dankil
Greater DeityBombuj Dankil is the lawful neutral god of dwarves. His domains are Community, Earth, Law, and Strength, and his favored weapon is the dwarven waraxe.

Dagrasa Loderhek
Intermediate DeityDagrasa Loderhek, goddess of dwarves, is neutral good. Her domains are Good, Healing, and Protection, and her favored weapon is the crossbow.

Dallin Skordal
_The Artificer_Intermediate Deity
Dallin Skordal is the neutral god of the forge. His followers include dwarves, weapon and armorsmiths, and some mages who specialize in crafting magic equipment. His domains are Artifice, Creation, and Strength, and his favored weapon is the warhammer.

Hecate Viridian
Intermediate DeityHecate Viridian is a neutral evil lich. His worshipers include necromancers, intelligent undead, and evil clerics. His domains are Darkness, Death, Evil, and Madness, and his favored weapon is the scythe.

Ilraeth Gilanthel
_Ruler of Fire_Greater Deity
Ilraeth Gilanthel was the first mortal to become a deity. He is chaotic neutral, and he is worshipped by sorcerers, some dragons, and even revered by some lower deities. His domains are Fire, Magic, and Sun. Ilraeth's favored weapon is the light mace.
Imshar Thokka
Lesser DeityImshar Thokka, god of justice, is lawful neutral. His followers include those who punish the guilty. His domains are Law, Protection, and Strength, and his favored weapon is the halberd.
Jarrah Greenbottle
Greater DeityJarrah Greenbottle, the god of gnomes, is chaotic good. His domains are Good, Protection, and Trickery, and his favored weapon is the battleaxe.

Jerolin Liam Zareh
_The Silver Knight_Intermediate Deity
Jerolin Liam Zareh is a lawful good deity. He is worshipped by paladins, fighters, and good-aligned monks. His domains are Glory, Good, Law, and Sun, and his favored weapon is the longsword.

Kamanes Eirdrim
Greater DeityKamanes Eirdrim is a neutral good god of battle. His followers include fighters, paladins, and battle mages. His domains are Protection, Strength, and War, and his favored weapon is the greatsword.

Keilnatra Celnotte
_Lady of Magic_Greater Deity
Keilnatra Celnotte, the goddess of magic, is lawful neutral. She is typically worshipped by arcane spellcasters, librarians, and scholars. She is associated with the domains of Knowledge and Magic. Her favored weapon is the dagger.

Kennit Tannis
DemigodKennit Tannis is the god of the mind. His followers include psions, wizards, and scholars. His domains are Charm, Knowledge, and Mind, and his favored weapon is the shortspear.
Keth Durgan
_The Healing Palm, The Still Mind_Lesser Deity
Keth Durgan is the god of balance and healing. He is true neutral, and his followers include monks and other contemplatives. He is associated with the domains of Healing and Mind. His favored weapon is the unarmed strike.

Kiana Torunder
_Lady of Light_Intermediate Deity
Kiana Torunder, goddess of the sun, is lawful good. She is worshiped by rangers, bards, and anyone who opposes evil. Her domains are Good, Healing, Strength, and Sun, and her favored weapon is the mace.
Krusk Holgar
Lesser DeityKrusk Holgar is the neutral evil god of orcs. He is also worshipped by half-orcs, thaellegoth, and evil fighters. His domains are Strength and War, and his favored weapon is the greatsword.
Randar Delaco
Image Credit _The Tyrant_Greater Deity
Randar Delaco is the lawful evil god of oppression. He is worshiped by evil fighters, dark wizards, and tyrannical rulers. His domains are Evil, Law, and War, and his favored weapon is the heavy flail.

Saegan Vinnel
Greater DeitySaegan Vinnel is the god of travel. He is neutral, and his followers include bards, wandering adventurers, and merchants. His domains are Knowledge, Luck, Protection, and Travel, and his favored weapon is the quarterstaff.

Talaera Kerik
Intermediate DeityTalaera Kerik is the goddess of elves. She is chaotic good, and her followers also include many fey. Her domains are Chaos, Good, and Magic. Her favored weapon is the longsword.

Tholk Dangeth
Intermediate DeityTholk Dangeth is the god of orcs. He is chaotic neutral, and his followers include orcs, half-orcs, and thaellegoth. His domains are Bedlam, Destruction, and Strength, and his favored weapon is the heavy mace.

Tralia Bellae
_Lady of the Forest_Greater Deity
Tralia Bellae is a neutral good god of nature. Her worshipers include fey, druids, and rangers. Her domains are Animal, Plant, Water, and Weather, and her favored weapon is the shortbow.
Volen Rodench is the god of strength and war. He is chaotic neutral, and his followers include fighters, gladiators, and soldiers. His domains are Chaos, Destruction, Strength, and War, and his favored weapon is the greatsword. Wanfiddle Garrick, the god of halflings, is neutral good. His domains are Community, Good, and Luck, and his favored weapon is the shortspear.
Image Credit
Volen Rodench
Intermediate Deity
Wanfiddle Garrick
Greater Deity