Crystal Masks
Each of the various types of crystal masks fits over the face of any Medium or Small humanoid, with slits for eyes and nostrils. The mask is transparent, although it distorts the wearer’s features. Leather straps attached to small holes on the sides of a mask enable the owner to affix the mask to his face.
Crystal masks confer special abilities or improved skills on their wearers.
A crystal mask is treated as eyewear or goggles for the purpose of determining which items can be worn on the body.
Crystal Mask of Detection: The wearer of a crystal mask of detection can make Search checks with a +10 competence bonus.
Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; creator must have 10 ranks in Search; Price 10,000 gp.
Crystal Mask of Discernment: The wearer of a crystal mask of discernment can make Sense Motive checks with a +10 insight bonus.
Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; creator must have 10 ranks in Sense Motive; Price 10,000 gp.
Crystal Mask of Dread: The wearer of a crystal mask of dread can attempt to frighten other beings to her will. The wearer makes all Intimidate checks with a +10 competence bonus.
Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; creator must have 10 ranks in Intimidate; Price 10,000 gp.
Crystal Mask of Insightful Detection: The wearer of a crystal mask of insightful detection can make Search checks and Spot checks with a +9 insight bonus.
Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; creator must have 9 ranks in both Search and Spot; Price 20,250 gp.
Crystal Mask of Knowledge: Each of the various crystal masks of knowledge grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on a specific type of Knowledge check.
Faint clairsentience; ML 3rd; creator must have 5 ranks in the Knowledge skill of the appropriate type; Price 2,500 gp.
Crystal Mask of Languages: Each of the various crystal masks of language grants the wearer the ability to speak and write five different languages.
Faint clairsentience; ML 3rd; creator must have the Speak Language skill for each of five languages; Price 2,500 gp.
Crystal Mask of Mindarmor: A crystal mask of mindarmor grants the wearer a +4 insight bonus on all Will saving throws.
Faint telepathy; ML 5th; conceal thoughts; Price 10,667 gp.
Crystal Mask of Psionic Craft: The wearer of a crystal mask of psionic craft makes all psicraft checks with a +10 competence bonus.
Moderate clairsentience; ML 7th; creator must have 10 ranks in Psicraft; Price 10,000 gp.
Feats: Craft Universal Item
Powers Varies. See text.
Special: Varies. See text.