Epic Duelist
Parent Class: Duelist
Game Rule Info
Class Skills
The Epic Duelist's class skills are .
Skill Points per level: + Int modifier
Level | Special |
11th |
12th |
13th | Bonus feat |
14th |
15th | Precise strike +3d6 |
16th | Bonus feat |
17th |
18th |
19th | Bonus feat |
20th | Precise strike +4d6 |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Epic Duelist.
Precise Strike
Every five levels above 10th, the extra damage inflicted by the epic duelist’s precise strike increases by +1d6.
Bonus Feats
The epic duelist gains a bonus feat every 3 levels after 10th. These bonus feats must be selected from the list below.
Epic Duelist Bonus Feat List: Blinding Speed, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Speed, Epic Weapon Focus (rapier), Exceptional Deflection1, Improved Combat Rreflexes, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Infinite Deflection1, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Superior Initiative, Two-Weapon Rend.
1The epic duelist need not have Improved Unarmed Strike to qualify for these feats, but in that case must be using a light or one-handed piercing weapon.