Barbarian level 20th.
This ability is similar to the barbarian’s rage ability (and it replaces the barbarian rage ability for the deity). The deity can activate this ability only after suffering damage from a weapon, and can use it a number of times per day equal to its divine rank. Once used, the ability lasts 1 hour (though the deity can end the rage at will). While raging, the deity gains +10 to Strength, +10 to Constitution, and a +5 morale bonus on Will saves. The deity’s spell resistance and energy resistances each increase by +10. The deity also can make one extra attack, at its full attack bonus, whenever it uses the full attack action. While raging, the deity suffers a -5 penalty to Armor Class and cannot perform acts that require patience and concentration, such as moving silently, casting spells, and using salient divine abilities.
Suggested Portfolio Elements
Destruction, rage, strength, war.