Let Go of Me


Spellcraft DC: 43

Casting Time: 1 free action

Range: Touch (see text)

Target: One creature or force grappling you

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Fortitude half

Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 387,000 GP; 8 days; 15,480 XP. Seed: destroy (DC 29). Factors: quickened (+28 DC); no verbal or somatic components (+4 DC). Mitigating Factors: limited circumstance (ad hoc -8 DC); {% die_roll 10 6 0 %} backlash (-10 DC).

The character deals 20d6 points of damage to any creature grappling him or her. The damage dealt is of no particular type or energy-it is a purely destructive impulse. If grappled by a magical force the force is automatically destroyed.