As the vampire was preparing to bite his victim, Dwovar touched him, uttering a short phrase. The vampire shuddered as his pale flesh regained its color. Suddenly, he stepped away, fearing for his new life.
Baleful Resurrection
Conjuration (Healing)
DF, S, V
Casting Time:
1 full-round action
Creature Touched
Saving Throw:
Will negates
Spell Resistance:
This spell functions as Raise Dead, except that it can restore life to a creature who has been turned into an undead creature. You force the creature’s soul back into its undead body. Undead creatures with turn resistance may add that bonus to their Will save to resist this effect.
An undead creature who is resurrected in this way loses all of its undead abilities and returns to its previous form.
A creature raised in this way loses 2 levels (or 2 Hit Dice). If this would reduce it below level 1 (or 1 Hit Die), it is simply reduced to level 1 (or 1 Hit Die).