1st-Level Astral Traveler Biofeedback Bite of the Wolf Burst Call Weaponry Catfall Chameleon Claws of the Beast Compression Conceal Thoughts Detect Psionics Dissipating Touch Distract Elfsight Empty Mind Expansion Float Force Screen Grip of Iron Hammer Inertial Armor Metaphysical Claw Metaphysical Weapon My Light Precognition, Defensive Precognition, Offensive Prescience, Offensive Prevenom Weapon Prevenom Skate Stomp Synesthete Thicken Skin Vigor 2nd-Level Animal Affinity Body Adjustment Body Equilibrium Body Purification Concealing Amorpha Darkvision, Psionic Detect Hostile Intent Dimension Swap Dissolving Touch Dissolving Weapon Empathic Transfer Energy Adaptation, Specified Feat Leech Hustle Painful Strike Prowess Psionic Lion’s Charge Psionic Scent Strength of My Enemy Sustenance Thought Shield Wall Walker 3rd-Level Claws of the Vampire Concealing Amorpha, Greater Danger Sense Dimension Slide Duodimensional Claw Ectoplasmic Form Empathic Feedback Empathic Transfer, Hostile Escape Detection Evade Burst Exhalation of the Black Dragon Graft Weapon Keen Edge, Psionic Mental Barrier Ubiquitous Vision Vampiric Blade 4th-Level Claw of Energy Dimension Door, Psionic Energy Adaptation Freedom of Movement, Psionic Immovability Inertial Barrier Psychic Vampire Steadfast Perception Truevenom Weapon Truevenom Weapon of Energy 5th-Level Adapt Body Catapsi Metaconcert Oak Body Psychofeedback 6th-Level Breath of the Black Dragon Dispelling Buffer Form of Doom Mind Blank, Personal Suspend Life