Dismiss Ectoplasm


Displays: Auditory, Visual

Manifesting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)

Area 30-ft.-radius burst

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Will negates; see text

Power Resistance: No

You dismiss creatures, objects, or effects composed of ectoplasm, such as astral constructs or the ectoplasmic cocoon power, or that were formerly composed of ectoplasm, such as items created by metacreativity (creation) powers.

An ectoplasmic creature that fails its Will saving throw dissipates into so much constituent ectoplasm, which evaporates immediately.

A creature under the effect of the ectoplasmic form power that fails its saving throw is either destroyed out right or physically shifted to a random location on the Astral Plane (50% chance for either result).

Other ongoing powers that create ectoplasmic objects or effects, such as ectoplasmic cocoon, are dismissed if you succeed on a manifester level check (1d20 + your manifester level, maximum +10) against a DC of 11 + the power’s manifester level.