Epic Skill Uses

Despite the near-magical nature of some epic level skill uses, all uses of skills are considered exceptional abilities (except if noted otherwise), and thus function normally even within areas of antimagic.


The character can sense magical auras in objects.




Detect magic

Detect Magic: The character can sense if an item has a magical aura. He or she can then use Spellcraft to learn more about the item as if he or she had already cast Detect Magic on the item. This requires a full-round action.


The character has trained his or her mind to ignore poison, resist mental influence, and convince his or her body that he or she is tougher than normal.



Poison’s DC + 5

Resist secondary poison damage


Continue taking actions while at negative hit points


Gain a save or retry a failed save against a mind-affecting effect


Gain temporary hit points


Gain damage reduction 2/–

Continue Taking Actions While at Negative Hit Points: If reduced to negative hit points but not dead, make an Autohypnosis check. If successful, the character does not go unconscious and can continue taking actions until he or she bleeds to death or stabilizes (the character can also continue making stabilization checks). If healed or stabilized, the character continues to take actions normally.

Resist Secondary Poison Damage: When poisoned, the character can make an Autohypnosis check on his or her next action. A successful check indicates the character does not have to make a saving throw against the poison’s secondary damage, which he or she instead automatically ignores.

Gain a Save or Retry a Failed Save Against a Mind-affecting Effect: If a failed saving throw indicates the character is affected by any mind-affecting powers, spells, or spell-like effects, a successful Autohypnosis check allows an immediate second saving throw to resist the effect. If the mind-affecting effect normally does not allow a saving throw, a successful Autohypnosis check allows a saving throw.

Gain Temporary Hit Points: With a successful Autohypnosis check, the character gains temporary hit points equal to 10 + his or her Wisdom modifier. The temporary hit points persist until lost. A character cannot check for temporary hit points more than once per day. Temporary hit points gained through Autohypnosis do not stack with temporary hit points gained through any other source.

Gain Damage Reduction 2/–: On a successful Autohypnosis check, the character gains damage reduction 2/–. The damage reduction lasts for 12 hours. The character cannot check for damage reduction more than once per day. Damage reduction gained through Autohypnosis does not stack with damage reduction gained through any other source.




1-2 inches wide


Up to 1 inch wide








1Includes any other surface that couldn’t support the character’s weight, such as a fragile branch.


The character can implant a non-magical suggestion in a target, display a false alignment, or disguise his or her surface thoughts.

DC (or Sense Motive modifier)



Instill suggestion in target


Display false alignment


Disguise surface thoughts

Instill Suggestion in Target: This is identical to the effect of the Suggestion spell, except that it is non-magical and lasts for only 10 minutes. It can be sensed as if it were an enchantment effect (Sense Motive DC 25).

Display False Alignment: The character can fool alignment-sensing effects by displaying a false alignment of his or her choice. Once set, a false alignment remains as long as the character remains conscious and awake. Setting or changing a false alignment requires a full-round action.

Disguise Surface Thoughts: The character can fool spells such as Detect Thoughts (or similar effects) by displaying false surface thoughts. While the character can’t completely mask the presence of his or her thoughts, he or she can change his or her apparent Intelligence score (and thus the character’s apparent mental strength) by as much as 10 points and can place any thought in his or her "surface thoughts" to be read by such spells or effects. If a character attempts to use Sense Motive to detect his or her surface thoughts (see the Sense Motive skill description), this becomes an opposed check (though any result lower than 100 automatically fails).


The character can climb otherwise unclimbable surfaces.




A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface


A perfectly smooth, flat, overhang or ceiling

Rapid Climbing: A character can climb his or her speed as a move action, or double his or her speed as a full-round action (requiring two Climb checks), but the character takes a -20 penalty on his or her check.

Special: The Legendary Climber feat allows a character to ignore any penalties for accelerated or rapid climbing.


The character can cast spells with somatic components even while grappled.



50 + spell level

Cast spell with somatic component while grappled

Craft (Alchemy)

DC (or DC Modifier)


+20 or more to DC

Create augmented substance

Create Augmented Alchemical Item or Substance: This requires the Augmented Alchemy feat, and allows a character to create alchemical items and substances of greater power than normal. To augment an alchemical substance, add +20 to the DC required to create the item and multiply the cost by 5. If the item or substance deals damage, double the damage dealt. If the item or substance doesn’t deal damage, double the duration of its effect. If the item or substance doesn’t deal damage and doesn’t have a specific listed duration (or has an instantaneous duration), double all dimensions of its area. If the item or substance doesn’t fit any of these categories, then it cannot be improved in this manner. A character can create an item with multiple degrees of augmentation. For every additional multiplier applied to damage, duration, or area, add an additional +20 to the DC and add an additional 5 to the cost multiplier.


Effect of Augmenting


Direct hit 2d6, splash 2

Alchemist’s fire

Direct hit 2d6, splash 2


Duration 2 hours


Smoke fills a 20-foot cube


Glows for 12 hours

Tanglefoot bag

Becomes brittle and fragile after 20 minutes


No effect


The character can craft items more quickly than normal.



+10 or more to DC

Quick creation

Quick Creation: A character can voluntarily increase the DC of crafting an item by any multiple of 10. This allows the character to create an item more quickly (since he or she will be multiplying this higher DC by his or her skill check result to determine progress). The character must decide the increase to the DC before making the check.

Decipher Script

The character can decipher magic scrolls.



50 + (5 × spell level)

Decipher a written spell (such as a scroll) without using read magic. One try per day.


The character can turn a person into a fanatic follower. Refer to the accompanying table.

Initial Attitude

New Attitude








Less than 20







Less than 5







Less than 1






Less than 1





Less than 1



Fanatic: The attitude of fanatic is added here. In addition to the obvious effects, any NPC whose attitude is fanatic gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a -1 penalty to AC whenever fighting for the character or his or her cause. This attitude will remain for one day plus one day per point of the character’s Charisma bonus, at which point the NPC’s attitude will revert to its original attitude (or indifferent, if no attitude is specified).

Treat the fanatic attitude as a mind-affecting enchantment effect for purposes of immunity, save bonuses, or being detected by the Sense Motive skill. Since it is non-magical, it can’t be dispelled; however, any effect that suppresses or counters mind-affecting effects will affect it normally. A fanatic NPC’s attitude can’t be further adjusted by the use of skills.



Possible Actions


Will give life to serve you

Fight to the death against overwhelming odds, throw self in front of onrushing dragon

Disable Device

The character can rush his or her Disable Device attempt, reducing the amount of time it takes to perform the attempt.

DC Modifier

Reduce to


1 round


Move action


Free action


The character can change his or her apparent height and weight much more than normal.

DC Modifier



Change height and/or weight 11% to 25%


Change height and/or weight 26% to 50%

1Can be negated by any effect that can duplicate a height and/or weight change of this degree.

Escape Artist

The character can pass through spaces smaller than his or her head, or even through a Wall of Force.




Extremely tight space


Pass through Wall of Force

Extremely Tight Space: This is the DC for getting through a space when one’s head shouldn’t even be able to fit; this can be as small as 2 inches square for Medium-size creatures. Halve this limit for each size category less than Medium-size; double it for each size category greater than Medium-size. If the space is long, such as in a chimney, multiple checks may be called for.

Pass through Wall of Force: This allows a character to find a gap of weakness in a Wall of Force (or similar force effect) and squeeze through it.


The character can forge handwriting he or she hasn’t even seen.


Reader’s Check Modifier

Forge document without sample


Forge Document without Sample: The character can forge a document without having seen a similar document or having a sample of the handwriting to be copied.

Gather Information

The character can gather information about sensitive subjects without eliciting suspicion.

Check Modifier



Avoid suspicion

Avoid Suspicion: By accepting a -20 penalty on his or her Gather Information check, a character can avoid any suspicions that might otherwise be aroused by someone pursuing sensitive information.

Handle Animal

The character can handle creatures other than animals, and can teach or train in much less time than normally required.



DC (or DC modifier)

Rear magical beast

1 year

30 + HD of magical beast

Train magical beast

2 months

40 + HD of magical beast

Rear vermin

6 months

35 + HD of vermin

Train vermin

2 months

50 + HD of vermin

Rear other creature


40 + HD of creature

Train other creature

2 months

60 + HD of creature

Reduce Teaching/Training to…

DC Modifier

–1 month


–1 day


–1 hour


–1 minute


Reduce Teaching/Training: Normally, teaching or training a creature requires two months of time. A character can accelerate the process of teaching or training a creature, reducing the time required to the listed time, by adding the DC modifier to the base DC for teaching or training the creature. A character can’t reduce the required time to less than 1 minute.


The character can greatly speed a patient’s recovery of hit points.




Quicken recovery


Perfect recovery

Quicken Recovery: The character can allow a character to regain hit points in a single hour as if he or she had provided long-term care for a full day (2 or 3 hit points per level, based on activity). The character can quicken the recovery of up to six patients at a time. No character’s recovery can be quickened more than once per day (even by different healers).

Perfect Recovery: The character can allow a character to regain hit points in a single hour as if he or she had provided long-term care for a full week (2 or 3 hit points per level per day, based on activity). The character can use perfect recovery on up to six patients at a time. No character’s recovery can be perfected more than once per day, nor can perfect recovery and quicken recovery both be used on the same patient in the same day (even by different healers).


The character can hide others as well as hiding him or herself.

Check Modifier



Hide another

Hide Another: By accepting a -30 penalty on his or her Hide check, a character can hide another adjacent creature whose size is no more than one category larger than the character’s own. Modifiers to the check for the size of the creature still apply, as do all other penalties, including those for moving faster than half speed. Likewise, a character can only hide another creature when it is not under direct observation by a third party. The creature the character hides remains hidden until it is spotted or it takes some other action that breaks its concealment, as normal.


Intimidate does not possess an epic usage.

Special: The DC to intimidate any creature whose attitude is fanatic is increased by +20.


Jump does not possess an epic usage.


Knowledge does not possess an epic usage.


The character can pinpoint the location of an invisible creature, or detect an illusion with an auditory component.




Defeat illusion with auditory component

Defeat Illusion: The character can automatically detect any illusion with an auditory component for what it truly is. No Will save is required, and the character doesn’t have to interact with the illusion (but he or she must be able to hear its auditory component).

Special: A character can use Listen to notice the presence of an invisible creature (generally opposed by a Move Silently check). If the character beats the DC by 20 or more, he or she can pinpoint the location of the invisible creature, though it still maintains total concealment from the character (50% miss chance).

Move Silently

Move Silently does not possess an epic usage.

Open Lock

The character can open locks more quickly than normal.

DC Modifier

Open lock as…


Move action


Free action


The character can sway an audience’s attitude with his or her performance.

Refer to the table accompanying the Diplomacy entry above.


Profession does not possess an epic usage.


The character can research sensitive subjects without eliciting suspicion.

Refer to the table accompanying the Gather Information entry above.


The character can stand upon his or her mount in combat.




Stand on mount


Unconscious control


Attack from cover

Stand on Mount: This allows the character to stand on his or her mount’s back even during movement or combat. The character takes no penalties to actions while doing so.

Unconscious Control: As a free action, the character can attempt to control a light horse, pony, or heavy horse while in combat. If the character fails, he or she controls the mount as a move action. A character does not need to roll for warhorses or warponies.

Attack from Cover: The character can react instantly to drop down and hang alongside his or her mount, using it as one-half cover. The character can attack and cast spells while using his or her mount as cover without penalty. If the character fails, he or she doesn’t get the cover benefit.

The character can sense the presence of magic in an area.




Sense magic

Sense Magic: The character senses the presence of any active magical effects in the area being searched. The character can’t determine the number, strength, or type of the effects.

Sense Motive

The character can discern a target’s alignment and even detect surface thoughts.




Discern partial alignment


Discern full alignment


Detect surface thoughts

Discern Partial Alignment: This use of the skill lets a character discern one component of a target’s alignment. When making the check, the character states whether he or she is trying to discern the law/chaos or good/evil component. A character can’t retry the check, and he or she can’t use this to discern more than one component of the alignment (but see below). The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.

Discern Full Alignment: This use of the skill lets a character determine both components of a target’s alignment. The character can’t retry the check. The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.

Detect Surface Thoughts: This lets a character read the surface thoughts of a single target (as the 3rd-round effect of the Detect Thoughts spell). There is no saving throw to resist this effect, though the target can use Bluff to disguise his or her surface thoughts (see the epic skill description for Bluff), in which case this becomes an opposed check (any result lower than 100 automatically fails). The target must be visible and within 30 feet of the character.

Sleight of Hand

The character can lift another’s weapon and perform major feats of legerdemain.




Lift a sheathed weapon from another creature


Make object or creature "disappear"

Lift a Sheathed Weapon from Another Creature: A character may attempt to lift a sheathed weapon from another creature and hide it on his or her person, as long as the weapon is no more than one size category larger than the character’s own size.

Make Object or Creature "Disappear": A character may attempt to make an adjacent, willing creature or object of his or her size or smaller "disappear" while in plain view. In fact, the willing creature or object is displaced up to 10 feet away – make a separate Hide check to determine how well the "disappeared" creature or object is hidden.


The character can identify properties of a magic item.



50 + caster level

Identify basic property of magic item

70 + caster level

Identify all properties of magic item


Quick identification of alchemical substances and potions

Identify Basic Property of Magic Item: This use of the skill requires one round of inspection, and functions exactly as if the character had cast an Identify spell on the item. A character can’t attempt this on the same item more than once.

Identify All Properties of Magic Item: This requires one minute of inspection, and reveals all properties of a single magic item (including command words and charges remaining). A character can’t attempt this on the same item more than once. If an item has different caster levels for different properties, use the highest caster level.

Quick Identification: A character can identify a substance or potion in the field as a full-round action, without an alchemical lab or any cost. The character can’t retry this check (or take 20); if he or she fails, the character must identify the substance in an alchemical lab, as normal.


The character can pinpoint the location of an invisible creature, or detect an illusion with a visual component.




Notice presence of active invisible creature


Notice presence of unmoving, living invisible creature


Notice presence of inanimate invisible object


Notice presence of unmoving, unliving invisible creature


Defeat illusion

A character can use Spot to notice the presence of an invisible creature. The relevant DCs are reprinted here. If the character beats the DC by 20 or more, he or she can pinpoint the location of the invisible creature, though it still maintains total concealment from the character (50% miss chance).

Defeat Illusion: The character can automatically detect any illusion with a visual component for what it truly is. No Will save is required, and the character doesn’t have to interact with the illusion (but he or she must be able to see it).

DC Modifier



Read lips while moving at up to full speed


Pronounce unfamiliar language

Pronounce Unfamiliar Language: This use of the skill allows a character to repeat the speech of an observed creature, potentially allowing a comrade to translate the speech. It doesn’t grant the character any ability to understand the language spoken.


The character can ignore the effects of terrain on movement and withstand even the harshest weather. If the character is capable of tracking, he or she can identify the races of creatures being tracked.




Get along in the wild while moving at full speed. The character can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which the check result exceeds 40.


Automatically succeed on all Fortitude saves against severe weather. The character can extend this benefit to one other character for every 2 points by which the check result exceeds 60.


Ignore overland movement penalties of terrain. The character and his or her mount can move at full overland speed regardless of terrain. The character can extend this benefit to one other character for every 5 points by which the check result exceeds 60.


Identify race/kind of creature(s) by tracks.1

1Requires the Track feat.

Wherever the character is, he or she can determine the direction to a location on the same plane.


Familiarity with Location


Very familiar


Studied carefully


Seen casually


Viewed once


Description only

With a successful check, the character knows the direction to the desired location. This merely points the character in the direction of the location; it doesn’t provide him or her with information on how to get there, nor does it take into account any obstacles in the path.

"Very familiar" represents a place where the character has been very often and where he or she feels at home.

"Studied carefully" represents a place the character knows well, either because he or she has been there often or has used other means to study the place.

"Seen casually" is a place that the character has viewed more than once, but which he or she has not studied.

"Viewed once" is a place that the character has seen once, possibly using magic.

"Description only" is a place whose location and appearance the character knows through someone else’s description.


The character can swim up vertical surfaces, or swim much faster than normal.

DC (or DC modifier)



Swim up waterfall


Speed swimming

Swim up Waterfall: This use of the skill allows a character to swim an angled or vertical surface, as long as he or she remains completely or mostly immersed in water. Other examples might include swimming up a whirlpool or an incredibly large wave.

Speed Swimming: By taking a -20 penalty on the check, a character can swim his or her speed as a move action, or double his or her speed as a full-round action.


The character can fall from great heights without taking damage, move greater distances with an adjustment, or "climb" vertical surfaces with a series of bounces.




Treat a fall as if it were 20 feet shorter when determining damage.


Free stand.


Treat a fall as if it were 30 feet shorter when determining damage.


Climb vertical surface.


Treat a fall as if it were 40 feet shorter when determining damage.


Ignore falling damage.

Free Stand: The character can stand up from prone as a free action (instead of as a move action).

Climb Vertical Surface: The character can climb up to 20 feet (as part of normal movement) by jumping and bouncing off walls, trees, or similar vertical surfaces. The character must have at least two vertical surfaces to bounce off, and the two must be within 10 feet of each other.

Ignore Falling Damage: The character can fall from any height and take no damage.

Special: A character with 25 or more ranks in Tumble gains a +5 dodge bonus when executing the fight defensively standard or full-round action, instead of a +2 bonus (or the +3 bonus from having 5 or more ranks). Increase this dodge bonus by +1 for every 10 additional ranks above 25 the character has. A character with 25 or more ranks in Tumble gains a +10 dodge bonus to AC when executing the total defense standard action, instead of a +4 bonus (or the +6 bonus from having 5 or more ranks). Increase this dodge bonus by +2 for every 10 additional ranks above 25 the character has.

Use Magic Device

Use Magic Device does not possess an epic usage.

Use Rope

The character can splice ropes together quickly, tie unique knots, and even animate a rope he or she holds.




Quick splicing


Tie unique knot


Animate held rope

Quick Splicing: The character can splice two ropes together as a move action.

Tie Unique Knot: The character can tie a knot that only he or she knows how to untie. This doesn’t affect any Escape Artist checks made to escape these bindings.

Animate Held Rope: The character can command any rope he or she holds as if it had the Animate Rope spell cast upon it (except that using the skill in this way doesn’t grant any bonus on Use Rope checks made with the animated rope). Each command requires a separate Use Rope check. Because the effect isn’t magical, it can’t be dispelled.